Our navel, belly button, also known as is the scar left over from our umbilical cord.While in the womb of the mother, the baby is receiving food and oxygen and ridsitself of waste through the umbilical cord. One end of the cord is attached to themother's placenta, the organ that develops during pregnancy a mother for this very special jobs.
Tip attached to the stomach of the baby. Once the baby is born and started to breatheon its own, the umbilical cord is cut. After a few weeks, the remnants of shriveledcable. All that's left is the navel.
But does your dog have a belly button? Or a better question is, have you ever seen it if it happens? Most people do not. But this does not mean that it doesn't exist. Sincemammals give birth to live young, they share similarities in the development processof their mother. This, by necessity, requires a relationship between the mother and the baby to pass through the food, oxygen and clean up trash.
Dogs and cats are no different. Although each was born in SAC containing fluid, it's still connected to her mother's placenta by the umbilical cord. In fact, the mother dog will bite and breakeach puppy's umbilical cord after birth. Soon, just as we are, all that remains is a scar.
Puppies do not have a clear belly button for some reason. The small size of their cord.Maintaining a human baby need a larger cord, then a larger scar. Scars that heal a puppy into a small gap than round holes. And the area was quickly covered with fur, making detection more difficult. So next time you pick up your dogs snooze on its back, take a look at. With some research, you'll find a button the stomach.
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